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What Makes Us Different?

The goal is to get every player to a level where they can gain exposure but they first need to have the skills coaches at the next level are looking for. With documented growth we monitor players development and assign them a skills class with a plan to build them up to the advanced skills class.  Not only do we affect athletes lives on the court but we want to do so off the court as well and set them up with a chance to have a head start in life and with our mentorship program we do just that offering weekly classes on life skills , how to navigate as a youth athlete , the recruiting process and more!


​We want to reinvest back into the players! 

What you invest into your training will always be reinvested back into making you a great player we aim to attain the necessary resources including but not limited to documented growth, innovative training equipment , former and current college and pro players sharing their expertise , professional guest coaches ,  and more!

Player Profiles 

All members of Private sessions , AAU , and Stay Ready Workouts  will have a player profile made. Stocked with their stats , game highlights , training footage , player info.


This is apart of our documented growth guarantee. Seeing is believing! 


1-2 classes each week to discuss Life Skills, How to navigate as a youth athlete recruiting tips, etc.

All youth members of the organization are required to attend.

Growth Plans

All sessions follow a growth chart process after an assessment we split kids up into skills classes Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced.


Each skills class has their own type of workouts they do to attend to that players current need. Intermediate players will learn to associate with the game in all facets with confidence before moving to advanced. While beginner athletes will be taught the foundations of the game and be taught the principles from ground zero even rules, positions , skills , spacing and more 


Advanced players will be training to reach automation, being able to complete the skills with a high number of consecutive reps. 

Community Outreach

All athletes will learn how to volunteer their time in their community and apply it to a career path. 

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